We have a range of leaflets available to view or download in PDF format using the links below:
Advice and Information After Assessment
Basics of Movement Activity and Exercise - Lower limb.pdf
Basics of Movement Activity and Excercise - Upper Limb.pdf
Bi-lateral Upper Limb Simple Lymphatic Drainage (SLD) .pdf
Improving Lymphoedema through LVA.pdf
Loros Management of Genital Lymphoedema v1.0.pdf
Lower Limb Simple Lymphatic Drainage (SLD).pdf
LWCN GO (Men) Self-Assessment Form v2.0.pdf
LWCN GO (Women) Self-Assessment Form v2.0.pdf
Management of Genital Lymphoedema.pdf
Management of Head and Neck Lymphoedema.pdf
Multi Layer Lymphoedema Bandaging (MLLB).pdf
Open Access Patient Initated FU.pdf
Pre General Information Advice on Lymphoedema.pdf
Reducing the Risk of Developing Lymphoedema - Upper Limb
Reducing the Risk of Developing Lymphoedema - Lower Limb